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For dry and damaged hair, signs such as lack of elasticity, breaking off easily, and split ends are common. To get the shine back in your tresses, practice these habits for great hair days ahead.

#1 Get regular trims

Regular trims are the only way to eliminate the split ends. Generally speaking, a trim is to remove the ends to keep the hair in a healthy condition and to help hair grow faster.

The time frame can vary from person to person, but normally for those who naturally air-dry your hair and refrain from damaging beauty habits, 12 weeks should be an acceptable length.

5 Best home remedies for dry & damaged hair,  Get regular trims

#2 Rinse hair with cool water

Hot water can dehydrate the scalp and strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to possible breakage.

After you shampoo and condition your hair in the shower, rinse your hair under a cooler temperature of water for a minute or two to retain moisture in the strands.

home remedies for dry & damaged hair, Rinse hair with cool water

#3 Deep condition hair with olive or argan oil

Olive oil and argan oil is beneficial to your hair as they have moisturizing and nourishing properties to condition your damaged hair and unblock pores on the scalp with both containing vitamin E.

best tips for dry & damaged hair, Deep condition hair with olive or argan oil

To use the oils for hair treatment:

  1. Warm the oil and massage it throughout your hair.
  2. Leave your hair covered for 30 minutes before rinsing it out.

#4 Towel-dry instead of blow-dry

The way you dry your hair can make a big difference to the results of drying. Although blow drying can save you some time, and give you lift an style, towel-dry is a much gentler way to dry your hair.

Towel drying your hair can make your locks shiny and smooth without causing excessive damage to your hair by saving it from getting exposed to extreme heat.

Simply squeeze excess water with your hands from your hair after washing it, then wrap your hair in a microfiber towel and let it absorb the moisture for 10-15 minutes.

home remedies for dry & damaged hair, Towel-dry instead of blow-dry

#5 Wear a hat to protect your hair

Ultraviolet rays can damage your hair shaft as they can strip moisture from the hair and damage the hair’s protein and cuticle. If you have dry hair, limit your hair’s exposure to these rays. Wear a hat during your daily activities, and avoid prolonged sun exposure.

best tips for dry & damaged hair, home remedies for dry & damaged hair, Wear a hat to protect your hair

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